9/15/22 - New Windows
Our nephew, Myles Lee, came to visit for a few days to help out with a couple projects. In fact, I could not have done these things without him. We started on the upstairs front room window. We got the old window out of the frame, but then found rot that needed to be cut out too. We kept cutting back till we got to solid wood, then build back. Luckily it just made it easier to frame the new window. Then we wrapped the front dormer with vapor barrier.
It turned out good and will weather as long as we need it to.
The second day Myles was with us we went after the front window in the living room. The old double-hung windows were a real challenge to get out without dropping them. They were very heavy. But it turns out the new window was even heavier!?! It took all we had to get the new window into place, and we almost dropped it a couple times. But in the end it is fantastic.
And here are the goats frolicking.