9/12/22 - Roof 4 of 4
It took a long time, but the roof is finally done. First we we had a challenge getting scheduled mostly because of the rainy Spring that lasted so long. Then we had a delay in getting supplies, then we had to push the work back a week till after my trip to Alaska. And I am glad we did. There were questions or things that came up almost daily and I really needed to be here for the work. Then there were the physical delays. We couldn’t get all of the tear off done on our own so the crew needed to spend a day doing it. Then there were all the tiny nails from the cedar shakes that had to be pulled or hammered before plywood sheeting could be installed. That took half a day alone. Finally, the Labor Day holiday weekend fell right in the middle of the job.
Next will come siding, but that will need to wait till the Spring. For now we need to work on getting into the house.
The roof work included building out an extension on the garage roof, creating work space outside that will stay dry.
This will make a huge difference for this house.
BTW. Getting the trailer parked back in the garage was no small feat.
In the end it turned out very good and will last for a good long time.
Thank you to Good Guys Construction, out of Keizer OR. They did a great job.
Our friend Ali took this drone video if the house with the new roof. THANK YOU ALI! It looks great.