12/1/22 - Dining Room Arch

There are many examples of projects that will never be seen when we are done. (Did I just say that? Will we ever be done with this house?!?) Insulation and things done behind the drywall are examples. And this project is like that. The wall between the living room, and what was the dining room, is the exterior of the oldest part of the house. The dining area, the pantry and the kitchen were an addition at some point, likely the 1930s or 1940s. While the addition is attached and well supported, I am choosing to add more support and reinforce the structure of the house along the way. Again, things that will not be seen when we are done, but will strengthen the house for years to come.

As we move on to the inside projects, now that it is winter, we still spend time working outside. That means we always have company.

Goats are very social, and personable. They have a job, eating down brush and clearing the hillside. Sometimes they are better at it than others. But they will follow us around too, and want to be where we are. If they could do that, AND eat down the brush that would be great. People have said goats are “like dogs,” and I can see why. Goats are trainable, but they don’t fetch, they are very obstinate, and you certainly don’t want to cuddle one on your lap. But they sure are cute.

Here is a bonus video, and I ask, “Is that you helping?”


12/13/22 - Heat Pump


11/23/22 - More Wall Building